Le Journal de Bord d'un détraqué moteur



Editions Calmann-Lévy-2004






Elle - Septembre 2007

Words Wrested from Silence
His book speaks to us of Paul, his dreams and his teenage rebellions, his loves, but also of life as seen from his wheelchair. Beyond the literary quality and the corrosive humor of the text, the story is edifying.



Télérama - Octobre 04

Writings in the Night
Scorching poems, dazzling short stories, an autobiography, vivid and wild, as you are when you are 20. . . . Ardent, his words flutter for women whom he has not caressed; powerful, they hurtle down mountains he has not climbed; lucid, they mark the boundaries of the well in which he is trapped.



Journal de Saône et Loire - septembre 04

Locked up in His Body, Paul Melki Sets Himself Free of It by Writing
This very private diary begins on November 27, 1998 and ends on October 10, 2003. Paul imparts his thoughts, his joys, his pains, his doubts, and his hopes, day-to-day. . . . A true reflection on Existence, this book is an awesome life lesson where humor and wordplay mingle with heart-rending emotions.



L'Express - Septembre 04

Paul's Soul
From the inability to move mingled with overflowing sensitivity and imagination emerges Paul's rhythm. Language is his movement: His arms, his legs dashing forward, running, his mouth, stirring ... . . . He knows that although bodies remain separated, souls, sometimes, elsewhere, meet.




Le Nouvel Observateur - novembre 04

The Reasons of a Success: Diary from Beyond the Grave
Paul Melki strolls from word to word in order to “wander in the mind space where the seeds of thought are free birds.” . . . He tailors his sentences to suit himself (“it livids my heart”) and takes us to where he believed he was lost.




L'Actu - octobre 04

Paul, 18 Years Old: A Victory of Mind over Body
Paul throbs for poetry, has fun with “vastly vital” words, which he draws from his mind to push away his body’s afflictions. He constantly moves back the borders of his imagination. Locked into his body, he moves through his mind. A writer, he certainly is.